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All About Us

Interactive Play has been well recognized as a critical element in a developing child’s mental and physical well-being. With increasing concerns over excessive exposure of electronic devices or screen time to a child’s ability to develop socially, safe avenues for interactive become more important for the modernized parent.

Interactive play encourages parents to engage in free-play with their children, as well as allowing for increased opportunities of peer play and social interactions. Traditionally these necessary social situations were established by use of public playgrounds and outdoor play structures. With concerns for child safety and restrictions due to environmental conditions, there has been a substantial increase in in indoor entertainment facilities in the past five years. These facilities are becoming a vital institution in the development of regular exercise routines and are facilitating young children’s healthy growth characteristics. These playground facilities also allow for socialization of playgroups without the need for direct supervision in older ages.


With the benefits of indoor play centre’s/entertainment facilities becoming widely recognized among families in urban locations and the continued success that these facilities are helping to create a healthy lifestyles, more of these businesses are being embraced and demand is developing throughout communities for accessibility to these services.

MonkeyBars Play-centre will offer multiple areas of play to include indoor structures, inflatable bouncers, interactive floor screens, toddler areas with interactive learning stations, Arcade, adult relaxation furniture and a refreshment cafe. These multiple areas of play will allow for the community to have multiple visits with full engagement and enjoyment year round.

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